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Charges of aggravated sexual assault withdrawn early by prosecution

Our client, who was charged with aggravated sexual assault after a festival in Byron Bay, has had his charges withdrawn early after negotiations with the prosecution.

Our client, a 31 year old man from Sydney, attended a festival in Byron Bay in 2023. After the festival, he was invited back to a party, where he met the complainant and engaged in sexual relations with her.

Months later, the complainant made allegations to the police that our client drugged her and had sexual relations with her without her consent. Our client was then charged by the police and denied bail.

We attended upon a bail application for our client who was granted bail by the court. Once the evidence was received in the case, it was carefully reviewed by our team and many inconsistencies in the complainant's version alongside inconsistent forensic evidence supporting any sexual assault.

We commenced negotiations with the prosecution, pointing them to all of the inconsistencies and weaknesses in their case and requested that the charges against our client be withdrawn and dismissed due to a lack of evidence and inconsistencies.

The prosecution ultimately agreed and withdrew the charges against our client prior to trial, which saved our client time, stress and extensive legal costs.

Our client was then able to move on with his life in a timely and cost-effective manner due to the dedication and strong attention to detail our team put into his case.

If you or anyone you know is charged with a criminal offence, contact our team for a free initial consultation.

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